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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Manettia asperula Ball, 1886 non Benth., 1850

accepté comme Sabicea panamensis Wernham, 1914


Date de publication : J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 22: 142. 1886.
Homonymie : non Manettia asperula Benth., Linnaea 23: 444. 1850 (Brésil, Regnell)!
Type : "I found this climbing over the smaller trees on the margin of the forest." [protologue].
Colombie, ex regione littorali Americae aequinoctialis juxta Buenaventura, in umbrosis, 08/04/1882, J. Ball s.n. (HT: K000172668, K000172669 [ex hb. Ball]).


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