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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Froelichia paniculata Willd., 1798

accepté comme Coussarea paniculata (Willd.) Standl., 1928


Date de publication : Sp. Pl. (ed. 4), 1(2): 607. 1798 [07/1798, fide TL-2, 17658].
Type : "Habitat in insula Trinitatis." [protologue].
Nom basé sur Billardieria paniculata Vahl 1797, nom. inval.
D'après Tropicos: "cites the invalid Billardieria paniculata Vahl; the species name (Froelichia paniculata Willd.) is legitimate, even though it was originally placed under an illegitimate generic name (see ICBN Art. 55.1)"


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