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Homaloclados Hook.f., 1873

accepté comme Faramea sect. Tetramerium DC., 1830


Date de publication : Gen. Pl., 2: 122. 1873 [07-09/04/1873, fide TL-2, 429].
D'après C.M. Taylor (2017 in Tropicos): "Also publ. in Hooker's Icon. Pl. 12: 27, tab. 1128, April 1873; the treatments were published essentially simultaneously and are cross-referenced in each work. The comments in Hooker's Icon. Pl. make reference to the previous publication of this genus and add information about its fruits: 'When described in the Genera plantarum, the ftuit of this genus was unknown. It has since been received from M. Glaziou.... The genus was named in Hooker's Icon. Pl. 12: 27 as "Homaloclados", but the plate there (tab. 1128) has a spelling error and calls it "Omaloclados"."
Type : Non typifié? Inclut à sa description: Faramea colorata Benth., Linnaea 23: 452. 1850 [= F. calyciflora A.Rich. 1830] (Brésil, Rio de Janeiro) et F. sellowiana Benth., Linnaea 23: 453. 1850 (Brésil).


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