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Faramea paludicola Steyerm. & B.M.Boom, 1988

accepté comme Faramea torquata Müll.Arg., 1875


Date de publication : Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 75(1): 338. 1988 [31/05/1988, fide p. 738].
Type : Venezuela, T. F. Amazonas, Depto. Río Negro, upper Caño Baria, "swampy" area between Río Mawarinuma and headwaters of Río Baria, 00°52'N 66°15'W, 130m, 26/02/1984, boutons. 2 m shrub. Buds green; pedicels, peduncles and branches purple. R. Liesner 16960 (HT: MO-716644 [Faramea torquata Müll.Arg. 1875, det. C.M. Taylor, 2003; F. aff. pachydictyon Müll.Arg. 1875, det. J.A. Steyermark, 1986]; IT: NY00131370, VEN).


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