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Cereus extensus auct. non Salm-Dyck ex DC., 1828, sensu Hook., 1844

accepté comme Selenicereus monacanthus (Lem.) D.R.Hunt, 2017


Date de publication : Curtis's Bot. Mag., 70: t. 4066. 1844.
Type : "This has been long cultivated in the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew, but had never flowered there, nor was its native country known to any one, till, in August, 1843, my friend, J. Gray, Esq., of Greenock, sent me the splendid specimen here represented, taken from a plant he had received from Trinidad ; thus, at the same time, establishing its native country, and giving the opportunity of making so fine a blossom known to the Botanical world by a good figure." [protologue].


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