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Solanum splendens (Dunal) Bohs, 2015


Date de publication : Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 131: 320. 2015 [03/04/2015].
Taxonomie : D'après Bohs (1994: "These three taxa [Cyphomandra endopogon (= Solanum endopogon), C. hartwegii (= S. splendens) & C. oblongifolia (= S. proteanthum)] are distinct throughout most of their range; however, [...] intermediate forms between C. hartwegii and C. oblongifolia are found in Suriname. A closer examination of these taxa may show these zones of morphological overlap to be the result of hybridization. Alternatively, the three species may belong to a single, extremely variable taxon. Because of the marked floral differences between them, I have chosen to recognize these three taxa as distinct, albeit closely related, entities."


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