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Triplaris prognostica Rottb. ex Brandbyge, 1986 nom. inval.

accepté comme Triplaris weigeltiana (Rchb.) Kuntze, 1898


Validité : D'après Moraes et al. (2010): "Brandbyge (1986) quoted “Triplaris prognostica Rottbøll 1776: 16. Nom. nud. Rottbøll published this name without description or diagnosis,” in his list of excluded and dubious names. In fact, Rottbøll (1776: 17) published “Triplaris. Clinama Prognostica R. ideo dicta,” referring to the uses of Triplaris americana Rottb., since he cited “C. prognostica Rol.” in synonymy of that species. Thus, the name Triplaris prognostica Rottb. ex Brandbyge is a not validly published name."


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