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Psidium cattleyanum Sabine, 1821


Date de publication : Trans. Hort. Soc. London, 4: 317 [315-317], t. 11. 1822 [05-06/1821 fide GCI].
Distribution : Originaire des forêts atlantiques et restingas du littoral du sud-est du Brésil (Landrum 2017). Cultivé et parfois naturalisé (voire envahissant) sur l'ensemble des régions (sub-)tropicales.
Orthographe : Publiée comme "cattleianum" orth. var., à corriger en "cattleyanum" car dédiée à William Cattley (voir ICN Shenzhen, Art. 60.8, 60.9 et Ex. 31).
Type : "I had the pleasure, on the 5th of September [1820], to send you [Hooker?], for the inspection of the Horticultural Society, specimens of the fruit of a plant now growing in my Conservatory at Barnet; it was purchased two years ago from Messrs. Barr and Brookes of Ball's Pond, Newington, who raised it from seed, which they received from China. [...] In 1819 two crops were produced, one of which was ripe in the autumn, and the other at Christmas. The plant is now loaded with fruit, and from the profusion of blossoms already formed, I may venture to predict an abundant crop next Christmas also." [protologue].
Chine, graines reçues et mises à germer par Mrs. Barr & Brookes (Newington), puis plantes cultivées chez W. Cattley (Barnet, Angleterre), 05/09/1820, fruits, W. Cattley s.n. (HT: ?; illustration originale: t. 11 in Trans. Hort. Soc. London, 4: 315-317. 1821).


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