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Papyrus comosus Willd., 1816 nom. inval.

accepté comme Cyperus affinis Roem. & Schult., 1817


Date de publication : Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1812-1813: 74. 1816.
Orthographe : Décrit comme "Papyrus comosa" orth. var. [Papyrus étant maintenant traité comme masculin -ce qui était déjà le cas en latin classique!].
Validité : D'après Tucker & Gandhi (2013): "Both P. comosa Willd. and P. comosa Kunth are based on the same collection. The precise date of the Willdenow (1816) name is not known. Poiret (1817) referred to Kunth alone and did not refer to Willdenow. In contrast, Sprengel (1824) used P. comosa Kunth (authorship cited as “Humb.”), P. antiquorum Willd., P. latifolia Willd., and P. odorata Willd. Since Sprengel was aware of both Kunth’s and Willdenow’s publications, his ascription of P. comosa to Kunth implies that he treated P. comosa Kunth as having priority over P. comosa Willd. In other words, P. comosa Willd. has been perceived as a heterotypic synonym of P. comosa Kunth."
Dans ce cas le binome de Willdenow doit être traité comme un isonyme, i.e. un nom invalide!


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