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Biscutella collina Jord., 1864

accepté comme Biscutella laevigata subsp. varia (Dumort.) Rouy & Foucaud, 1895


Synonymie : no topotypic sheet or identified by A. Jordan could be found for this species in the numerous collections studied. It
is not mentioned in the notes and seedling notebooks either. B. collina is probably equivalent to B. laevigata subsp.
varia (Dumort.) Rouy & Foucaud which seems to be the only Biscutella living in the east side of Lyon. Five gatherings
bearing this name could be found: one in LY (from Valencia district, Spain) and four in P (from Auvergne region,
Montagne Noire and Pyrenees), but they were all identified by other authors and they do not match this microtaxon.
However, one of these gatherings could be designated as neotype, thus altering the meaning of the name. But as
the population near Crémieu still exists, it would be better to choose an actual neotype coming from this locality.
Especially since B. laevigata subsp. varia itself is subject to schizoendemism and still requires to be studied in that
sense (Tremetsberger et al. 2002)
     Références : Thiébaut & Tison (2016)


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