Lectotype : Lectotype (designated here):—FRANCE “Biscutella candollei Jord., Biscutella auriculata L., J. de Dijon 1844, M/jard. s. de 1845 n°
1304ˮ (handwriting) leg. and det. A. Jordan (LY0003580!; iso- LY0003585!)
Références :
Thiébaut & Tison (2016)
Synonymie : Although Biscutella candollei is a replacing name, it results implicitly in a change in A. de Candolle’s concept.
Therefore a specimen from A. Jordan’s herbarium was chosen. Moreover, De Candolle’s herbarium (G) does not seem
to contain any gathering identified as Biscutella auriculata.
Références :
Thiébaut & Tison (2016)