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Commelina vestita Seub., 1855

accepté comme Commelina obliqua Vahl, 1805


Date de publication : Fl. Bras. 3(1): 264. 1855 [15/09/1855, fide TL-2, 5538, p. 335].
Taxonomie : D'après Hassemer (2017): "The identity of C. vestita is not completely clear, because the description in the protologue is not informative enough [...]. C. vestita resemble any of the two South American red-haired Commelina species: C. obliqua and C. rufipes [...]. Since [...] Clarke (1881: 162) (who must have seen the type at B) [...] regarded C. vestita as an infraspecific taxon of species today considered synonyms of C. obliqua, I here choose to follow their judgement and consider C. vestita as a synonym of C. obliqua. As an additional support to this decision, C. rufipes is not recorded for southern Brazil."
Type : Brésil méridional, Sellow (HT: B [détruit]).
D'après Hassemer (2017): "Neotypification of the name C. vestita is undesirable, because the area cited in the protologue [...] is too vast to permit the selection of an appropriate specimen to link to this name; furthermore, the name C. vestita does not appear to threaten any name in current use."


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