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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Capparis acutifolia J.F.Macbr., 1934 [nom. illeg. hom.], non Sweet, 1830

accepté comme Capparidastrum solum (J.F.Macbr.) Cornejo & Iltis, 2006


Source de la synonymie
Cornejo, X. & Iltis, H. H. 2007. The reinstatement of Capparidastrum (Capparaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany, 13(2): 229-236. [CD_REF = 779630] Capparidastrum solum (J.F.Macbr.) Cornejo & Iltis, 2006
Taxonomie : Candollea 5: 358. 1934.
Type : Même type que Capparis sola J.F.Macbr. 1934.
Validité : "Inadvertently described under two names, to which carelessness A. C. Smith has called attention." (Macbride 1938).


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