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Nepeta americana Aubl., 1775

accepté comme Cantinoa americana (Aubl.) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore, 2012


Type : Antilles, s. loc., Plumier (LT: t. 162, f. 2, in Pl. Amer. 155. 1758 [désigné par Harley & Pastore, Phytotaxa, 58(1): 9. 2012]).
Mexique, Morelos, Cuernavaca, 23/09/1896, Pringle 6559 (ET: K [désigné par Harley & Pastore, Phytotaxa, 58(1): 9. 2012]).
Harley & Pastore (2012): "The original Aublet specimen, presumably from French Guiana, has not been found. However he cites the above polynomial and plate from the earlier Plumier volume, which enables the choice of Plumier’s plate as lectotype, although this was an illustration of a specimen from the Antilles, without further indication of provenance. To assist identification of the name an epitype has been designated."


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