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Apinagia goejei Went, 1910


Date de publication : Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Sectie 2. Amsterdam, 16: 39. 1910.
Initialement publié sans decription (nom. nud.) in Pulle, Recueil des Travaux Botaniques Néerlandais 6: 266. 1909.
Taxonomie : Type materials (De Goeje s.n.) comprise small plants with prostrate stems and pinnately lobed leaves; both characters occur in species of Jenmaniella Engl., Oserya s.str., and Marathrum Bonpl. Mature flowers and capsules are lacking; consequently, it is not possible to place the specimen in a specific genus. Type materials are plants that are attached to the bark of a woody shrub, which is not a character that is unique to any given taxon. For example, we have seen species of Apinagia, Castelnavia Tul. & Wedd., Monostylis Tul., Rhyncholacis occasionally growing attached to rheophytic shrubs.
Type : Guyane française/Suriname, Chutes au confluent de Tapanahony et du Lawa, 07/1907, de Goeje s.n. (HT: U0007743 [spirit]; IT: B [spirit], K000449047, P00167909).
Suriname, Suriname river, Musseba falls, 09/07/1908, fleurs, Tresling 81 (PT: U).


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