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Asemeia martiana (A.W.Benn.) J.F.B.Pastore & J.R.Abbott, 2012


Statut biogéographique : Espèce incidemment mentionnée de Guyane française par Pastore & Abbott (2012), sur la base de la lectotypification erronée de Polygala violacea var. brachystachya Chodat 1893. Egalement largement mentionnée de Guyane française en tant que nom accepté de P. violacea Vahl 1791 (décrit de Cayenne!). Ces plantes sont maintenant nommées Asemeia ovata (Poir.) J.F.B.Pastore & Abbott 2012.
Taxonomie : D'après Pastore & Abbott (2012): "Asemeia martiana, together with A. extraaxillaris, A. grandiflora, and A. ovata, can be considered as a species complex. Also, P. monninoides and P. violacea could be included. The differences among them are mainly in their geographic distributions, as the traditional morphological features used to separate them appear to form a morphological continuum based on leaf shape and flower size. Although this delimitation is not satisfactory, more studies are needed to determine how many species are actually involved."


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