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Hypolepis minima M.Kessler & A.R.Sm., 2007

accepté comme Hypolepis rigescens (Kunze ex Mart.) T.Moore, 1861


Synonymie : Selon Schwartsburd & Prado (2016): "Hypolepis minima (placed here as a synonym, with doubts) is known only from the type collection, and it was mainly characterized by its small size (Kessler & Smith 2007). Further collections are needed to be sure about its identity. Apparently, it is just a dwarf form of H. rigescens from 2950 m."
Type : Bolivie, La Paz, Prov. Franz Tamayo, PN-ANMI Madidi, send Keara-Mojos, Chunkani, 14.38°S, 68.57°W, 2950 m, 11/10/2001, Jiménez 972 (HT: UC; IT: GOET, LPB).


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