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Lycopodium duidae A.C.Sm., 1931

accepté comme Pseudolycopodiella tatei (A.C.Sm.) Holub, 1991


Date de publication : Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 58(5): 311. 1931 [05/1931].
Description originale : Lycopodium duidae A. C. Smith, sp. nov. Caule procumbente, folioso; foliis lanceolato-acuminatis, integerrimis, ipsis facierum inferiorum adpressis, membranaceis, ipsis facierum superiorum extensis, subcoriaceis; ramis adscendenti-erectis, cylindraceis, foliosis, foliis adpressis, lanceolato-linearibus, acuminatis; strobilis apice ramulorum terminalibus, solitariis; sporophyllis lanceolatis, basi rotundatis, apice longe acuminatis, margine irregulariter ciliatis; sporangiis reniformibus, in axillis sporophyllorum sitis.
Plant terrestrial, stem creeping, with upright monostachyous branches; creeping stems cylindric, about 2 mm. in diameter; leaves 8-12-ranked, lanceolate-acuminate, 4-6 mm. long, about 0.7 mm. across the base, midrib obscure, margin entire, those of the lower surface appressed, colorless, membranaceous, those of the lateral and upper surfaces spreading, somewhat secund, subcoriaceous; erect branches cylindric, about 14 cm. high (exclusive of strobili), about 1.3 mm. in diameter, uniformly leafy with 6-ranked appressed linear-lanceolate long-acuminate subcoriaceous leaves 6-7 mm. long, about 0.8 mm. across the base, the margins entire and incurved, often touching; strobili about 4.5 cm. long, 1.5 cm. in diameter (including the wide-spreading sporophylls); sporophylls lanceolate, 8-ranked, about 7 mm. long, 2 mm. broad near the base, tapering to a long-acuminate apex, subcoriaceous at the center, membranaceous at the irregularly ciliate margins, the base rounded to a membran-aceous attachment 1 mm. long and 1 mm. broad; sporangia reniform, about 1.2 mm. broad, attached near the base of the inner surface of the sporophyll.
Central Camp, 4800 ft., 1010. It is a species allied to L. iuliforme Underw. & Lloyd and L. Tatei A. C. Smith, both found on Mt. Roraima and the former on Mt. Duida as well. The present species has sporophylls less crowded, more noticeably ciliate, longer, and more lanceolate than L. iuliforme. It is distinguished from L. Tatei by having cylindric rather than flattened creeping stems, longer erect branches, and sporophylls which are larger particularly as regards the basal attachment. L. iuliforme has more regular and compact appearing strobili than either of its allies.
Type : Venezuela, T.F. Amazonas, Cerro Duida, Central Camp, 1450 m, 08/1928-04/1929, fertile, G.H.H. Tate 1010 (HT: NY00143975).


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