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Molineria Colla, 1826

accepté comme Curculigo Gaertn., 1788


Synonymie : Kocyan et al. (2011) synonymisent bien Molineria Colla 1826 sous Curculigo Gaertn. 1788 (même si de manière relativement implicite): "continued separation of Curculigo (excl. C. seychellensis) and Molineria based on insubstantial differences in their seeds and the shape of their rhizomes would serve only to obscure the clearly close relationship between these two groups".
Type : Molineria plicata Colla 1826 (nom. superfl. pro Curculigo sumatrana Roxb. 1814) [= C. capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze 1891, fide Turner 2013].


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