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Alcea pallida (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) Waldst. & Kit., 1801

accepté comme Alcea biennis Winterl, 1788


Date de publication : 1800-1801
     Références : IPNI (2000-)
Nomenclature : For his Althaea pallida, Willdenow (Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 3(1): 773. early-mid 1800?) referred to Althaea pallida Waldst. & Kitaib. pl. rar. hung. But Waldstein & Kitaibel did not publish Althaea pallida; they published Alcea pallida and referred to Althaea Foliis subrotundo-ovatis. Willd. Sp. plant. Although the priority between Alcea pallida and Althaea pallida cannot be established with certainty, it has been perceived that Alcea pallida is a new combination based on Althaea pallida
     Références : IPNI (2000-)


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