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Diastolinus barbudensis martiniquensis Marcuzzi, 2001

accepté comme Blapstinus opacus Mulsant & Rey, 1859


Nomenclature : Diastolinus bardubensis [sic] guadeloupensis Marcuzzi, 2001 (p. 250) and Diastolinus bardubensis [sic] martiniquensis Marcuzzi, 2001 (p. 250) were placed in synonymy with Blapstinus opacus Mulsant and Rey by Soldati and Touroult (2014: 98) and Ivie and Hart (2016: 466) respectively. However, these two taxa are nomina nuda since Marcuzzi (2001) failed to indicate where the syntypes will be (or are) deposited and the name and location of the collection, a mandatory requirement for every new species-group name published after 1999 (ICZN 1999: Article 16.4.2).
     Références : Bousquet et al. (2018)


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