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Calophyllum calaba L., 1753


Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 1: 514. 1753. [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Description originale : 2. Calophyllum (Calaba.) foliis ovatis obtusis. Fl. zeyl. 202. *
Calophyllum foliis ovatis obtusis: striis parallelis transversis. Hort. cliff. 206. Roy. lugdb. 476.
Tfierou-ponna. Rheed. Mal. 4. p. 81. t. 39.
Habitat in Indiis. ♄
Type : "Habitat in Indiis" [protologue].
Sri Lanka, P. Hermann (LT: BM000621800 [ex hb. Hermann 3: 3, No. 202 ; sur Global plants; désigné par Stevens in Jarvis et al. (ed.), Regnum Veg., 127: 28. 1993]).
D'après The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "Furtado (in Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem., 11: 258-260. 1941), followed by Howard (in J. Arnold Arbor., 43: 397. 1962), argued that the name should be applied to the New World element but did not typify the name. D'Arcy & Keating (in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 66: 563. 1979), followed by Lourteig & Fosberg (in Phytologia, 57: 153-155, f. 1. 1985), designated Plumier, Nov. Amer. Gen.: t. 18 (1703) as lectotype but this illustration does not form part of the protologue, so is ineligible. Kostermans (in Dassanayake & Fosberg, Revised Handb. Fl. Ceylon 1: 96. 1980) indicated Clifford material (BM, unseen by him and apparently not preserved) as the type. Stevens (in J. Arnold Arbor., 61: 256. 1980) indicated the several specimens in Herb. Hermann (1: 65, 2: 42, 52; 3: 3, BM) as syntypes, also providing an extensive discussion of the problem in Manilal (Bot. Hist. Hort. Malab.: 168-176. 1980). Stevens (in Jarvis & al., Regnum Veg 127: 28. 1993) subsequently made an explicit choice of the material in Herb. Hermann 3: 3 (BM) as the lectotype."


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