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Tovomita calodictyos Sandwith, 1936


Date de publication : Kew Bull., 1936(3): 219-220. 1936 [27/06/1936, fide IPNI]. Voir aussi Sandwith & Maguire, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 75: 433. 1948.
Type : "BRITISH GUIANA. Tiger Creek, Essequibo River, Nov. 9th, 1930, Brinsley in Forest Dept. no. 1002 (type), 1003: a small tree, growing on brown sand.
A very distinct species on account of the large papery leaves with numerous widely separated main lateral nerves which anastomose at a conspicuous distance from the margin, the direction of the minor nerves which is very similar to that of T. macrophylla, and the comparatively small flowers." [protologue].


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