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Inga cordatoalata Ducke, 1922


Date de publication : Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro, 3: 53-54. 1922.
Statut biogéographique : Pour la Guyane française, Pennington (1997) signale une collecte de Saül (10 km NW Eaux Claires, Mori et al. 23276). Poncy (in Barneby et al. 2011) indique: "An amazonian species, recorded from Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará), Guyana and French Guiana (GU: 2; FG: 2). [...] French Guiana: Saül, Mori et al. 23276 (CAY, K, NY? P); R. Oyapock, savane-roche Bâton Pilon Oldeman B-2539 (CAY, NY, P, U). Note: the available specimens from French Guiana are included here, in agreement with Pennington's treatment (1997). Pending additional, especially fruiting, collections they are, however, likely to represent a distinct species as they differ from the type collection by several characters including bi-jugate leaves, larger stipules, and somewhat larger flowers." D'après Molino et al. (Adansonia, 44(26): [345-]518[-903]. 13/12/2022) espèce connue en Guyane de 2 collectes, et de 3 individus échantillonnés sur 3 placettes.
Type : "Habitat in silvis ad stationem Peixeboi inter Belem et Bragança, l. R. Siqueira, 26-7-1907, n. 8.270." [protologue].
Brésil, Pará entre Belém et Bragança, Peixeboi, 07/1907, fleurs, Siqueira 8270 (HT: MG; IT: IAN, RB, US).


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