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Varronia bullata subsp. humilis (Jacq.) Feuillet, 2008


Statut biogéographique : Espèce signalée de Guyane française par Aublet (Hist. Pl. Guiane, 1: 232. 06-12/1775, fide TL-2, 206; sub Varronia globosa Jacq.), probablement par confusion avec Varronia tomentosa Lam. 1792. D'après I.M. Johnston (J. Arnold Arbor., 16(1): 42-43. 25/01/1935): "In the British Museum there is a collection of C. tomentosa made by Aublet. Among his manuscripts I have seen a good description of the species mentioned. It is possible that Aublet identified the plant as Varronia globosa and that the report of V. globosa in his book, l. c. 1: 232 (1775), may be based upon his collection of C. tomentosa."


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