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Varronia schomburgkii (DC.) Borhidi, 1988


Taxonomie : D'après I.M. Johnston (J. Arnold Arbor., 16(1): 41. 25/01/1935): "The species is most nearly related to C. Poeppigii DC., of eastern Peru and to C. ferruginea (Lam.) R. & S. of the northern Andes and Central America. It is readily recognized by its peculiar calyx. This, when not distorted by the enlarging fruit, is funnel-form or vase-shaped and is abruptly expanded from a short tube (ca. 1-1.5 mm. thick and 1-2 mm. long) or even from the narrow base. The calyx-tube is covered with numerous minute resinous granules. The ascending, more or less deltoid, lobes are somewhat strigose outside especially towards their apices."


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