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Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f., 1768


Orthographe : Fréquemment orthographié "ocimoides".
Taxonomie : D'après Taylor & Steyermark (in Berry et al. 2004): The name Borreria ocimoides (Burm.f.) DC. has been applied by many authors to a group of low, weedy, soft Borreria species found throughout the wet tropics and characterized by their relatively short elliptic leaves, stipule setae that are often all about the same length, relatively small flowers with the corolla scarcely longer than the calyx lobes, and relatively small capsules. These plants were considered by a number of authors to belong to one morphologically very variable species (e.g., Steyermark 1972; 1974; Bremekamp 1934; Verdcourt 1976), but more recent authors have considered these plants to include several distinct species (Verdcourt 1983; Burger & Taylor 1993), and that the name B. ocimoides does not apply to any of them. The nomenclature of the species in this group no doubt has not been completely worked out yet.
Following the work of C.D. Adams (in Burger & Taylor 1993), we recognize two species in the Venezuelan Guayana : Borreria repens and B. prostrata, which are represented by about equal numbers of specimens. B. ovalifolia have not yet been seen from the flora area, but probably should be expected. Borreria ocimoides is based on a plant from Java, and its identity has not been entirely clarified, but workers who have reviewed the situation have not applied this name to any plants found in the Neotropics.
Type : Indonésie, “Sajor Babi Javanis” [Probablement Java], Kleinhof s.n. (HT: G).


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