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Markea porphyrobaphes Sandwith, 1931

accepté comme Markea sessiliflora Ducke, 1915


Date de publication : Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, 1931(10): 488-489. 1931 [31/12/1931, fide p. ii].
Type : "British Guiana. Moraballi Creek, Essequibo River, Sept.-Oct. 1929, Sandwith 251, 279 (type), 518; a climber up trunks by rootlets, in swamps or on the bank of the creek; corolla whitish, creamy-yellow, or greenish-cream, purple within at the base of the tube. Mazaruni River, Sept. 1880, Jenman 633, "a few feet high, supported by trunk of tree." Upper Demerara River, Sept. 1887, Jenman 3974." [protologue].


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