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Sideroxylon robustum Mart. & Eichler, 1863

accepté comme Pouteria cuspidata subsp. robusta (Mart. & Eichler) T.D.Penn., 1990


Autorité : D'après Molino et al. (2022): "Although Miquel provided the treatment of Sapotaceae for the Flora Brasiliensis (Miquel 1863), Martius clearly claims, in the footnote at the beginning of the treatment of this family (Miquel 1863: 37), his coauthorship with Eichler of some new species, among which is Sideroxylon robustum Mart. & Eichler."
Date de publication : in Miq., Fl. Bras., 7: 56-57. 1863 [15/01/1863, fide TL-2, 5538, p. 336].


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