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Yutajea liesneri Steyerm., 1987

accepté comme Isertia parviflora Vahl, 1798


Date de publication : Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74(3): 676-678, fig. 1. 1987.
Type : Venezuela, T.F. Amazonas, Dpto. Atures, 5 to 8 km NW of settlement of Yutaje, W of Serranía de Yutaje (3 km W of Río Coro-Coro), stream flowing S from E side of unnamed peak, sandstone stream on S slope below plateau, intermittent forest, savanna and bluffs, 05°40'N 66°09'W, 700-1000 m, 10/03/1987, fleurs. 6 m tree. Corolla pink ovary, pedicels and peduncle dull, reddish pink. R.L. Liesner & B.K. Holst 21826 (HT: MO-1546585; IT: NY00133507, VEN249912).


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