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Sabicea colombiana Wernham, 1914

accepté comme Sabicea panamensis Wernham, 1914


Date de publication : Monogr. Sabicea 39-40, t. 12 f. 31 1914 [04/1914, fide TL-2, 17178].
Type : "Colombia: Triana 681! Smith 1834 (in part [mélangé avec Sabicea hirsuta Kunth, cf. p. 55])! Ocaña, 3900 ft., Schlim 697! Cauca, 4000 ft., Triana 1752! Chiriqui lagoon, Hart 144! Venezuela: Carabobo, 4000 ft., Funcke & Schlim 624! 3000 ft., Linden 1498! Hbb. Mus. Brit., Kew., Cantab., Berol., Boiss., Brux., De Cand., Holm., Mus. Paris. [...] Linden’s 1498 may be regarded as the type; and Triana 1752, as to be seen in the English herbaria, differs so much from Linden’s specimen that I took it originally for a distinct species with inconspicuous bracts and short reflexed calyx-lobes. The Paris and Brussels specimens of Triana 1752, however, leave no doubt that this plant is to be referred to S. colombiana." [protologue].
Venezuela, Carabobo, entre Valencia et Puerto Cabello, 3000 ft., 12/1843, fleurs blanches, J.J. Linden 1498 (LT: BM000820000 [désigné par?; annoté Holotype!]; IT: BR0000005328178 [fragment: US00956183], F0071054F, F0071055F, G00010487 [ex hb. Boissier], G00010488, K000172683  [ex hb. Benth.], P03822539).
Colombie, J.J. Triana 681 (PT: ?).
Colombie, Santa Marta, 1898, 1500 ft., H.H. Smith 1834 p.p. [mélangé avec Sabicea hirsuta Kunth] (PT: K000172684, P03821586, P03821621).
Colombie, Ocaña, 3500 ft., 1846-52, fleurs blanches en février, L. Schlim 697 (PT: G00010499, K000172681 [ex hb. Hook.], P03822286).
Colombie, Cauca, 4000 ft., J.J. Triana 1752 (PT: K000172682, P03822544; PT?: COL000163409).
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Laguna de Chiriqui and its neighborhood, 11/1885, J. Hart 144 (PT: US00956184).
Venezuela, Carabobo, 1300 m, 05/1846, fleurs blanches, N. Funck & L. Schlim 624 (PT: LD1803169, P03822538, P03822540).


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