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Faramea umbelliflora Bremek., 1934

accepté comme Faramea quinqueflora Poepp., 1841


Date de publication : Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl., 31(1/2): 280. 1934 [01/1934, fide p. de titre].
Description originale : Faramea quadricostata Brem., sp. n.
Hab. Surinam River, Tresling 439.
Easily recognizable by the arrangement of the umbellate inflorescences at the top of lateral and opposite short shoots. Known from Surinam only.
Type : Suriname, haute Suriname river, 16/09/1908, J.H.A.T. Tresling 439 (HT: U0006006).


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