Date de publication : Flora, 58(29):
475. 1875 [11/10/1875, fide p.
449]. Voir aussi Müll.Arg., Fl. Bras., 6(5):
t. 21. 1881 [01/07/1881, fide TL-2,
5538, cf.
p. 336].
Type : Brésil,
Rio Vaupés, pr. Panuré, 09/1852, fleurs, 02/1853, fruits. "Shrub 10 ft.
with green bark. Bracts and all parts of flr. pure white (changing to
sulphur in drying), [illegible]limb of cor. pale blue. Illustration
given ! Planta pulchella" (fide K000432791). R. Spruce 2570 (T: BM000901240, BM000901241, BR0000008603005, E00285092, F0069160F, F0069161F [fragment], F0069162F [fragment], G00301040,
K000432791 [ex hb. Benth.],
K000432792 [ex hb. Hook.],
K000432793 [ex hb. Benth.], LD1676350, MPU021975, NY00131378, P00836790, P00836791, P00836792, S05-1565, TCD0009373).