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Coupoui micrantha Ladbr., 1920

accepté comme Duroia micrantha (Ladbr.) Zarucchi & J.H.Kirkbr., 1990


Date de publication : J. Bot. 58(691): 176-177. 1920 [avant le 21/06/1920 fide Zarucchi & J.H.Kirkbr., Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 77(4): 851. 1990].
Type : "found in the Herbarium among the unnamed specimens of Tabernaemontana; it was, like C. aquatica and C. Martiniana, collected by Martin in Guiana." [protologue].
Guyane française, s. loc., s. d., J. Martin s.n. (HT: BM n.v.).


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