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Rhexia bicornis Rol., 1776

accepté comme Acisanthera uniflora (Vahl) Gleason, 1950


Autorité : D'après Moraes et al. (2010): "Rol. in Rottb. 1776" [et non "Rol. ex Rottb." 1776!].
Date de publication : Descr. Rar. Pl. Surin. 10-11. 1776 [fide TL-2, 9667]. Voir aussi: Acta Lit. Univ. Hafn. 1: 278. 1778.
Taxonomie : "As indicated by Wurdack (1993), if the Rolander material of Rhexia bicornis Rol. is located and verified as the same species as Acisanthera uniflora (Vahl) Gleason, a new combination will be needed." (Moraes et al. 2010).
Type : Suriname, ["in unico loco udiusculo extra urbem, e regione templi Lutherani" (ex Mss.: p. 546), 13/01/1756, (ex Mss.: p. 543)], fleurs, D. Rolander s.n. (HT: C?? [voir Moraes et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 15(1): 184. 2010]).


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