Type : "Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, no. 677922, collected in the vicinity of Penonomé, Province of Cocle, Panama, in flower, February or March, 1908, by R. S. Williams (no. 107). The description of the fruit is from specimens in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, obtained at the same locality and date (Williams 397.) The Type specimen is said to have been obtained from a tree, and the fruiting specimens, accompagnied also by flowers, to have come from a trailing shrub. We are thus led to believe that this speccies varies in habit according to environment, and the same apparent contradiction in regard to other speices of the genus leads to a like conclusiion as to this dimorphism. I have myself never nnoticed a pronounced diversity in the habit of Machaerium species [...]." [protologue].
Panama, Coclé, Penonomé, ca. 15-300m [50-1000 ft.], 23/02-22/03/1908, fleurs. Spreading tree 7 in. by 20 ft. Flowers purplish. Panicle up to 2 ft. long. R.S. Williams 107 (HT:
US00002414 [fragment:
SP001027]; IT:
Panama, Coclé, Penonomé, ca. 15-300m [50-1000 ft.], 23/02-22/03/1908, fleurs fânées et fruits. Stems trailing, up to 4 in. in diameter. R.S. Williams 397 (PT: