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Machaerium nervosum Vogel, 1837

accepté comme Machaerium quinata var. parviflorum (Benth.) Rudd, 1972


Source de la synonymie
Rudd, V. E. 1987. Studies in Machaerium (Leguminosae), VI. Phytologia, 62(4): 282-302. [CD_REF = 741405] Machaerium quinata var. parviflorum (Benth.) Rudd, 1972
Date de publication : Linnaea, 11(2): [177-]186[-204]. 1837 [03/1837, fide V.E. Rudd, Phytologia, 62(4): 278. 1987; voir aussi IK & R.C. Foster, J. Arnold Arbor. 43: (400-)402(-409). 1962].
Type : "2. M. nervosum m[ihi]." [protologue].
Guyane française, 1817-1822, A. Poiteau s.n.(HT: B [ex hb. Kunth; détruit; voir V.E. Rudd, Phytologia, 24(2): 121. 26/09/1972]).
D'après V.E. Rudd (Phytologia, 24(2): 121. 26/09/1972): "Although the holotype of this variety is no longer extant, the full description given by Vogel clearly shows that this name may be applied to the smaller-flowered individuals of this species."


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