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Ecastaphyllum monetaria var. riedelii Benth., 1860

accepté comme Dalbergia riedelii (Benth.) Sandwith, 1931


Date de publication : J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., 4(Suppl.): 50. 1860. Voir aussi Benth. in Mart., Fl. Bras., 15(1): 229. 1862 [15/01/1862, fide TL-2, 518, p. 337].
Orthographe : Publié comme "Riedeli" orth. var.
Type : "2. E[castaphyllum]. monetaria [...] β? Riedeli, foliolis vulgo minoribus, minus acuminatis, subtus ramulis inflorescentiaque tomento brevissimo ferrugineis v. subsericeis, legumine tomentello saepius incrassato." [protologue].
"2. Hecastophyllum monetaria [...] γ.? Riedeli: foliolis vulgo minoribus et minus acuminatis subtus ramulis inflorescentiaque tomento brevissimo ferrugineis v. subsericeis, legumine tomentello. Habitat [...] in Brasilia occidentali et boreali, in silvis ripae Guaporé: Riedel; prope Barra do Rio Negro: Spruce n. 1521 et 1546." [Benth. in Mart., Fl. Bras., 15(1): 229. 1862].
Brésil, Amazonas, environs de Manaus, le long d'un ruisseau, 05/1851, fleurs. Weak scrambling shrub. probably twining when it has anything to twine upon. Flowers white. Stamens ♀, variously grouped (5+4, or 4+1+4, or 4+1+3+1). Very like one of my Santarém plants. R. Spruce 1546 (LT: K000530114 [ex hb. Benth.] [désigné par A.M. Carvalho, Brittonia, 49: 102. 1997]; ILT: E00346874, G00365106, G00365107, G00365109, K000530113 [ex hb. Hook.], LE00006831, GH00053575, M0234109, NY00007837, P00842929, P00842930, RB00540220, TCD0004504).
Brésil, Rondônia[?], forêt des bords du río Guaporé, 04/1828, fleurs. 30 ped., foliis pinnatis, folioli alternatis, cinerascentibus, florib. flavescentibus, vexillo basi fusco. L. Riedel 538 (ST: K000530112 [ex hb. Benth.; photo (NY neg. 2607): P03106197], LE00006833).
Brésil, Amazonas, embouchure du Rio Negro, 05/1851, fleurs. Flowers white. These specimens are from a branch I broke off a stout twiner as I sat at the helm, after sunset, & my men were pulling hard to reach out station for the night. R. Spruce 1521 (ST: K000530107 [ex hb. Benth.], K000530108 [ex hb. Hook.], M0234104 [sur Global plants; holotype de Dalbergia negrensis (Radlk.) Ducke 1939], P00709119, RB00540273, TCD0004503).
Type : D'après Sandwith (Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, 1931(7): 358-359. 1931): "Unfortunately, the Riedel specimen which is the type of Bentham's variety appears to be quite distinct from the above large and uniform series. Radlkofer did not see this specimen, and made Spruce 1546 the type of his species, conjecturing that Bentham had correctly identified the two as representing the same plant." Dans la même publication Sandwith indique donc à la fois que le type de Ecastaphyllum monetaria var. riedelii Benth. 1860 est Riedel 538, et que le type de "Dalbergia riedelii (Radlk.) Sandwith 1931" est Spruce 1546. On peut sans doute considérer que cette ambiguité invalide toute typification. Dans ce cas la lectotypification de A.M. Carvalho (1997) est donc légitime!


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