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Chaetocarpus williamsii Steyerm., 1952

accepté comme Chaetocarpus schomburgkianus (Kuntze) Pax & K.Hoffm., 1912


Date de publication : Fieldiana, Bot., 28(2): 306, fig. 56. 1952 [15/12/1952, fide p. de titre].
Taxonomie : D'après Steyermark (Fieldiana, Bot., 28(2): 306. 1952): "This species is distinguished from all others in the genus by the much larger fruit and seeds, and by the finely costate surfaces of the tubercles on the fruit. The larger fruit with distinct ridges on the longer tubercles, together with the leaf-blades obtuse at base distinguishes this species from C. Pearcei Rusby. The large tubercles clearly differentiates the species from C. stipularis Gleason and from C. Schomburgkianus (O. Ktze.) Pax & Hoffm. of Venezuela and the Guianas."
Type : Venezuela, T.F. Amazonas, Río Guaima, cerca de la margen arboreada en la Isla al frente de Maroa, 127 m, 12/02/1942, "arbor de 16 m.,con copa frondosa; tronco 60 cm. de diametro, redondo, erecto, sin ramas por Ios7 m.; corteza morenisca, levemente escamosa, algo delgada; la albura color claro y el duramen mas obscuro, variando entre marron claro y obscuro; fruto globoso, espinoso, dehiscente, usualmente de 3 semillas, las cuales de color negro lustroso envueltos en un aril color bermellon." Llewelyn Williams 14312 (HT: V0055946F; IT: G00434268, NY00246324, RB00538436, RB00545513, US00096584, US00771423, VEN172492).


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