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Bidens verticillata L., 1753

accepté comme Trichospira verticillata (L.) S.F.Blake, 1915


Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 2: 833. 1753 [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Type : "8. Bidens (verticillata) foliis oblongis integris: inferne alternis, superne oppositis, floribus verticillatis. Hort. cliff. 399.*
Bidens americana procumbens, polygoni folio subtus incano
. Houst. mss.
Habitat in Vera Cruce." [protologue].
Mexique, Veracruz, Wm. Houstoun, cultivé dans le jardin de George Clifford III (Hartekamp, Pays-Bas), anonyme s.n. (LT: BM000646990 [sur Global plants; ex Herb. Clifford.; cité comme "based on" par S.F. Blake, Torreya, 15(5): 106. 1915 [29/06/1915]).
D'après J. Pruski (2005 in Tropicos): specimen in BM was annotated by S.F. Blake, this coupled with his statement that Linne's name was "based on" this specimen effects lectotypification even without using the word "type".


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