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Capparis surinamensis J.C.Went, 1933

accepté comme Neocalyptrocalyx maroniensis (Benoist) Cornejo & Iltis, 2008


Date de publication : Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 30: 164. 1933. Voir aussi Sandwith, Bull. Misc. Inform. 1937: 101. 1937
Type : Suriname, Brownsberg Forest Reserve, tree n°1073, 16/09/1918, boutons floraux, B.W.(SUR) 3994 (HT: U0000956 [photo: F, WIS]; IT: IAN049863, NY00387636, K, U0000957, U0000958, U0000959, WISv0258894WIS [fragment]). Même arbre, 14/04/1916, stérile, B.W.(SUR) 1780 (CT: U0239522, U0239523). Même arbre, 24/02/1919, fruits, B.W.(SUR) 4273 (CT: NY00038717, U0249200).
Guyana, Demerara River, Great Fall, about 105 miles S. of Georgetown, 200 ft., 25/10/1935. tall tree about 130 ft. high and 20 in. diam., growing on the slope of an ironstone ridge on rocky soil in mixed forest; scales on young leaves silvery; inflorescence and outer sepals dull purple with silvery scales; flowers creamy-white, petals faintly tinged with purple without. Davis s.n. [F.D. 2471] (matériel original de la description amendée de Sandwith: K000220531, K000220532, U0239521).


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