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Cordia coriacea Sagot ex Benoist, 1933 non Killip, 1927

accepté comme Cordia sagotii I.M.Johnst., 1935


Date de publication : Arch. Bot. Mém., 5(1): 257-258, pl. 58. 1933 [27/03/1933, voir p. de garde].
Homonymie : non Cordia coriacea Killip, J. Wash. Acad. Sci., 17: 329. 1927 (Bolivie, Mapiri, Buchtien 2040) [= C. sericicalyx A.DC. 1845]!
Type : "Cordia coriacea Sagot mss. [...] Nom vernaculaire: Bois calalou de montagne (d'après Mélinon). [...] Spécimen étudié [pour le bois, mais pas pour la description]: Mélinon n°88" [protologue].
Guyane française, Karouany, 12/1856, fleurs. Arbre médiocre, fleurs blanches, odorantes, feuilles adultes fortement coriaces. P.A. Sagot 447 (LT: P00634059 [photo et fragment: GH00095570; désigné par I.M. Johnston, J. Arnold Arbor., 16(1): 28. 1935]; ILT?[/ST?]: K000583351, P03860113).
Guyane française, Karouany, 1857, fleurs. Grand buisson, fleurs blanches, odorantes, feuilles matures très coriaces. P.A. Sagot 447 (ST: B [détruit], BM000906178, K000583352 [photo et fragment: GH00095570], P03860111, P03860112, P03860114, P03860115, P03860116, P03860132, S12-18802).
Guyane française, Karouany, 1855, P.A. Sagot 447 (ST: K).
D'après I.M. Johnston (l. c.): "Benoist has given an adequate botanical description (in French) of Sagot's species. The lengthy description is evidently based upon Sagot's collections and since his binomial was also evidently derived from them, I am content to accept Sagot's species as formally established by Benoist's description, especially since the description was not drawn to include Mélinon's herbarium specimen. Among the several collections of Sagot, obtained in various states of maturity over several years (but all distributed under the same collection-number) I have selected the specimen at Paris collected in Dec. 1856 as the type of C. coriacea Sagot."
Validité : En dépit de l'affirmation de I.M. Johnston (J. Arnold Arbor., 16(1): 28. 1935), Cordia coriacea Sagot ex Benoist 1993 est publié de manière parfaitement valide: avant le 01/01/1935 une description en latin n'est pas nécessaire (cf. ICN Melbourne, Art. 39.1)!


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