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Macaglia alba Vahl, 1810

accepté comme Aspidosperma album (Vahl) B.D.Jacks. ex Benoist, 1933


Date de publication : Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk., 6: 107-109. 1810.
Type : "Habitat in Guiana. Richard. [...] Corolla [...] Folliculus [...] Semina [...]." [protologue].
Guyane française, forêt de l'habitation de Mr. Berthier, 1781-1789, septembre, fleurs, "fl. 7bri. in sylvis praedii don Berthier", L.C.M. Richard s.n. (HT: C10005729 [ex hb. Vahl, comm. Richard; Aspidosperma spruceanum det. Woodson, 1951; cité comme "type" par Woodson, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 38: 194, 196. 18/06/1951 fide p. 199]; ILT: P00645149 [ex hb. Richard]).
Guyane française, 1781-1789, mars, fruits, L.C.M. Richard s.n. (ST: FI009948 [ex hb. Richard in hb. L'Héritier in hb. DC. in hb. Desf. in hb. Webb; type de Bignonia latisiliqua Poir. 1811; fragment: P00645146 ex hb. Poiret in hb. Cosson], G00143991 [ex hb. Richard in hb. L'Héritier in hb. DC.; collecté par J.B. Patris d'après DC....], P00645147 [ex hb. Richard], P00645148 [ex hb. Richard]).
Le spécimen fructifère est aussi la collecte type de Bignonia latisiliqua Poir. 1811 (voir sous ce nom pour d'autres commentaires concernant l'histoire des spécimens de cette collecte). D'après Woodson (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 38: 135. 18/06/1951): "A knotty problem of nomenclature which will have to be tackled sooner or later concerns type specimens which are shown to be heterozygous. An instance in point is the type specimen of Aspidosperma album (Richard s. n. in Herb. Haun.), which has the peculiar inflorescence and leaf outline of supposedly homozygous A. album as defined in this paper, but with the leaves white-tomentulose beneath as in A. Spruceanum. Should a "neotype" be selected from the homozygous populations and the historical holotype disqualified as heterozygous?"


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