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Cymbopetalum venosum Gleason, 1927

accepté comme Guaiania corrugata (Poit.) O.M.Vargas & C.W.Dick, 2024 subsp. corrugata


Taxonomie : D'après S.A. Mori & G.T. Prance (Fl. Neotrop. Monogr., 21(2): 281. 10/04/1990): "I am grateful to Nancy Murray and David Johnson for pointing out that Cymbopetalum venosum (Annonaceae) is based on the leaves of Lecythis corrugata subsp. corrugata and the fruits of Cymbopetalum brasiliense found in the packet on the holotype sheet at NY. The fruits with the isototype at CM are of L. corrugata subsp. corrugata. Because the species is based on the leaves, we have decided to place this name in synonymy here rather than with C. brasiliense."


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