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Houlletia vittata Lindl., 1841

accepté comme Braemia vittata (Lindl.) Jenny, 1985


Date de publication : Edwards's Bot. Reg., 27: Misc. 47, t. 69. 1841 [01-12/1841 pour la description; 01/12/1841, pour la planche, datée].
Type : "This very curious plant was received by Messrs. Loddiges from Mr. Schomburgk." [protologue].
Guyana, monts Acarai, R.H. Schomburgk s.n. (HT: K000718359 [ex hb. Lindl.; une inforescence]).
D'après Romero-González (Harvard Pap. Bot., 10(2): 236. 2005): "The holotype is labelled "Schomburgk Hort. Loddiges." Lindley ([London J. Bot., 2(12): 672. 12/]1843) reported "Acaray Mountains" as the type locality, the current spelling of which is "Acarai," a chain of mountains running roughly east to west at the southernmost border of Guyana with Brazil (approximately 0˚ 25' N 59˚W). It is assumed here that Schomburgk made this collection on the Guyana side of the border. Listed as Houlettia vittata in Bentham’s enumeration (Lindley, [London J. Bot., 2(12): 672. 12/]1843)."


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