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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Hypoporum micrococcum Liebm., 1850

accepté comme Scleria tenella Kunth, 1837


Date de publication : Mexic. Halvgr. 68. 1850. Egalement réimprimé in Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., ser. 5, 2: 256. 1851.
D'après Tropicos: "fide A.O. Chater (in litt), TL2 made a mistake in calling this a reprint; it is a preprint and the TL2 abbrev. rather than the journal title should therefore be used."
Type : "Samlet i törre Savaner ved Segovia i Nicaragua af Mag. Örsted i Januar" [protologue].
Nicaragua, prov. Segovia, 01/1848, A.S. Ørsted 14509 (HT: C10010691; IT: F0045547F).


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