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Heteropsis jenmanii Oliv., 1890

accepté comme Heteropsis flexuosa (Kunth) G.S.Bunting, 1979 var. flexuosa


Date de publication : Hooker's Icon. Pl., 20: t. 1949. 1890.
Description originale : H. Jenmani, Oliv. (sp. nov.); foliis oblongo-oblanceolatis acuminatis costa subtus prominula, petiolo brevi canaliculato basi caulem plus minus amplectente, pedunculis axillaribus spatha brevioribus teretibus 3-5-annulatis, spatha convoluta ellipsoidea breviter abrupte rostrata, spadice breviter stipitato subclavato obtuso.
Hab. British Guiana, 'called Sarabanaroo by the Indians,' G. S. Jenman (No. 5000).
Folia 6-8 poll. longa, 2-21/2 poll. lata; petiolus 3-5 lin. longus. Spatha 21/2-23/4 poll. longa, clausa 11/2-13/4 poll. diam. Spadix 2 poll. longus, stipite 1/4-1/3 poll. longo.
Of this species Mr. Jenman writes: — 'The plant grows up the stems of trees, from which it sends down long aerial roots, which, split into thin strips, form the most useful tying material the Indians employ. The construction of their houses is all done with it, used, as it has been from time immemorial by them, instead of nails or bolts. They also make whips, which they call "Macwarrie," and use in their games, — and many other things of it. Curiously, these whips have been adopted by Government for use in prisons in cases where flogging is awarded to juvenile offenders, and are called "Tamarind rods" in the judicial phraseology uniformly used when a sentence of the kind is given. This, no doubt, is a survival of a name which denoted at one time the real material employed.' The aerial root sent by Mr. Jenman is about the thickness of a swan-quill, terete, with the typical polyarchal disposition of its vascular elements, as, for instance, are shown in the figures of similar roots given by A. F. W. Schimper in his very remarkable and capital paper 'Ueber die Ban- und Lebensweise der Epiphyten Westindiens.'
H. oblongifolia, Kth., is the most nearly allied species to H. Jenmani that I have seen, but in this species the ellipsoidal spadix is only 2/3-3/4 of an inch in length on a peduncle of about the same; the leaves also do not show the tendency to an oblanceolate contour so evidently as in H. Jenmani. — D. Oliver.
Orthographe : Publié comme "Jenmani" orth. var.
Type : Guyana, Mazaruni riv., Kalacoon, 05/1889, G.S. Jenman 5000 (HT: K000524009, K000524010, K000524011).


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