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Gnetum microstachyum Spruce & Benth. ex Tul., 1858

accepté comme Gnetum paniculatum Spruce ex Benth., 1856


Date de publication : Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4, 10: [110-]119-120[-126]. 1858. Voir aussi Tulasne in Fl. Bras., 4(1): 404. 1863 [10/07/1863, fide TL-2, 5538, voir p. 335].
Taxonomie : "Remaining South American species included in the present study form a weakly supported clade, which comprises several specimens of G. urens and in addition G. camporum and G. microstachyum. The species boundaries appear unclear from our results, and nomenclatural treatments have differed in the past. Gnetum microstachyum has often been considered synonymous with G. paniculatum Spruce ex Benth. (Markgraf, 1929, 1965; Stevenson & Zanoni, 1991; Stevenson, 1999). Gnetum urens var. camporum, described by Markgraf (1971), was later ranked as a separate species, G. camporum (Stevenson & Zanoni, 1991; Stevenson, 1999). From our results it rather appears as if both G. microstachyum and G. camporum should be considered synonymous with G. urens. Additional study of a larger sample of specimens is needed to further elucidate species boundaries in the South American clade." (Hou et al., Taxon, 64(2): 239-253. 2015).
Type : "7. Gnetum microstachyum Spr. et Benth., in Pl. Bras. bor. exsicc., n°2314. [...] Oritur in provincia brasiliensi Maranae superioris, prope S.Gabriel da Cachoeira, secus ripas fluminis nigri. (R. Spruce, l. cit.) (Herb. Martianum). Praecedentem typum (scil. Gnetum venosum Spr. et Bnth.) nervorum indole adprime imitatur; discriminari autem videtur foliis longe acuminatis, basi contra obtusis, anthemiisque unisexualibus." [protologue].
Brésil, Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, capoeiras, 05/1852, fleurs. Tw[ine]r, very flexible. (I sent portions of stem - one for you the other for myself). "Gnetum microstachyum Benth." R. Spruce 2314 (HT: W [ex hb. Mart.]; IT: B100001503, BM000645584 [sur Global plants], K000454764 [ex hb. Benth.; sur Global plants], K000454763 [ex hb. Hook.; sur Global plants], P00751837).
A la description de Gnetum paniculatum Spruce ex Benth. (Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc., 8: 357-358, t. 2 & 3 [légende p. 359]. 1856), Bentham note: "In the first distribution I had mistaken the female specimens for a distinct species, to which I had given the name of G. microstachyum; but a series of specimens since received from other localities show me that the characters I had relied upon in the form of the leaf are liable to great variation."


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