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Huperzia jenmanii (Underw. & F.E.Lloyd) Holub, 1985

accepté comme Phlegmariurus linifolius var. jenmanii (Underw. & F.E.Lloyd) B.Øllg., 2012


Source de la synonymie
Øllgaard, B., Boudrie, M. & Cremers, G. 2020. The Lycopodiaceae of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Phytotaxa, 433(2): 101-134. [CD_REF = 835177] Phlegmariurus linifolius var. jenmanii (Underw. & F.E.Lloyd) B.Øllg., 2012
Date de publication : Folia Geobot. Phytotax., 20(1): 74. 1985.


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