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Lycidola simulatrix auct. non Bates, 1866

accepté comme Lycidola batesi Martins & Galileo, 1991


Synonymie : D'après Santos-Silva (2023) : " While the eventual differences between L. simulatrix, L. batesi, and L. palliata remain to be found, there is no reason to consider the specimens from French Guiana as L. simulatrix. As, apparently, all specimens from that place have the humeri orangish or yellowish, they need to be considered as L. batesi. Therefore, L. simulatrix is excluded from the French Guiana fauna, and L. batesi is reported there. L. batesi is tentatively used instead of L. palliata due to the shape of the antennomere IV in Klug (1825), which is probably just an imprecise drawing."


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